The Grey Matters
The Brain Tumour Charity's magazine. This page showcases some of my favourite spreads taken from the magazines I designed for The Brain Tumour Charity.
This shows the cover design for one of The Grey Matters I designed for The Brain Tumour Charity, this photograph was taken by myself. Also, this image highlights the visual and informative research illustration I created in Illustrator for the magazine.

A spread taken from one of the issues of The Grey Matters, I really enjoy using full-bleed images. Throughout the magazine, there is a use of colour to aid navigation and also aspects of clear print to help with accessibility.

An article spread taken from one of the issues of The Grey Matters I designed, I really enjoy using full-bleed images. Throughout the magazine, there is a use of colour to aid navigation and also aspects of clear print to help with accessibility.

Double-page spread introducing the theme of the research section of the magazine.

This spread highlights another illustration I created for the magazine I designed. The illustrations had to be informative yet engaging. Here the illustration shows the different levels of artificial intelligence.

A illustrative front cover I created for a magazine and a double-page spread focussing on research

This image is of a spread of the A5 version of the magazine I designed for the charity.