Frappés - New Product Launch
This is one of my favourite product launches I have worked for Tim Hortons. There is a different look and feel to the assets, yet still feels like bang on brand. It really stands out against the other marketing pieces.
The assets I produced for this campaign take on a pastel background that I designed specifically for the campaign.

Early ideas for the background of the product launch project and initial headline idea.

Here are some early social media ideas I had for the project. On the right are taste cards to allow customers to understand flavour profiles.

Digital billboard along a high-traffic road in London.

Here is the finalised sales kiosk design and social media posts showing content from a photoshoot for the project.

This image shows an in-store marketing piece. It was designed to educate the viewer on the new range and an existing range in the same category.

Mockup of a OOH piece. Designed to educate and entice.

This image shows the carousel social media post I designed to introduce the new range. The viewer can scroll through to view the new Frappé range.

A large-format design I produced for the campaign, these are located on the grounds of the restaurant and used to entice traffic.