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Frappés - New Product Launch

This is one of my favourite product launches I have worked for Tim Hortons. There is a different look and feel to the assets, yet still feels like bang on brand. It really stands out against the other marketing pieces. 

The assets I produced for this campaign take on a pastel background that I designed specifically for the campaign. 


Early ideas for the background of the product launch project and initial headline idea.

Early concepts for the project showing cold beverages

Here are some early social media ideas I had for the project. On the right are taste cards to allow customers to understand flavour profiles.

Social media concepts to promote the new cold drinks.

Digital billboard along a high-traffic road in London.

Digital billboad showing to cold drinks on a pastel background.

Here is the finalised sales kiosk design and social media posts showing content from a photoshoot for the project.

An image of two drinks on a sales kiosk promotional panel and two social media posts showing cold drinks.

This image shows an in-store marketing piece. It was designed to educate the viewer on the new range and an existing range in the same category.

Here is a mocked up trifold table talker showing cold drinks and the trifold's flat plan

Mockup of a OOH piece. Designed to educate and entice.

Final version of a poster highlighting four cold drinks zoomed right in and a mocked up version outside at the bottom of stairs

This image shows the carousel social media post I designed to introduce the new range. The viewer can scroll through to view the new Frappé range.

An Instagram carousel post showing four cold drinks with cream.

A large-format design I produced for the campaign, these are located on the grounds of the restaurant and used to entice traffic.

A roadside banner showing two cold drinks with indulgent looking cream toppings.
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